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Is it bad for you to drink water with a color glass?

Update Time : 2018-04-28 View : 1299

Is it bad for you to drink water with a color glass?

With the rapid development of science and technology, color changing mugs as spring up on the market at the same time also are popular with the masses of people, but also can see at any time in the market have discoloration cup sell, of course, also have a lot of people to use color changing cup to drink water there is a big concern whether toxic with color changing cup to drink water is harmful to the body? Now all of us together to look at For color changing mugs, either hot or cold change colour principle is the same, just different from thermal material, and color changing mugs is discoloration is inseparable from the unique architecture, color changing mugs is wandering set is composed of the cup inside and outside, block between two cup bottom, there is a filled with polychromatic volatile liquid intercalation inside cavity, a cup of the lateral wall carved with the layer

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